Tips on encouraging healthy habits in your spouse:
Having trouble encouraging healthy habits in your spouse? Here are 5 tips for women on how to encourage men to be healthier…
- Lead by example! Women have a HUGE influence over the healthcare decisions of their spouse. When you get your annual physical, make sure he gets his too, even if that means making the appointment for him.
- Men are competitive at heart. Make it a game and celebrate small and large victories together. Did he choose salad instead of steak? Make his physical appointment without you nagging him? Praise him, and show him the benefits. It’s more likely he will do it again
- Observe what activities make him happy and do them together. Make it fun! Being healthy does not have to be painful or hard. Look for fun ways to build exercise into your routine, or cook a healthy meal together. Be sure to go with his energy, and stay away from forcing activities when he’s not in a great mood.
- Make it easier. You are his biggest support system. Help him by researching treatment options, health facilities that make him feel comfortable, and LISTEN to his needs.
- Attend doctor’s appointments and ask questions! Be sure to not be overbearing. Sometimes playing that role can actually make his communication with you worse and overwhelm you both. Remember nagging = resistance.